Sunday, August 9, 2009

Why it's good to know your neighbors

I've lived in my current apartment complex for three years. And in three years, I have not gotten to really know a single neighbor. Now, having watched Rosemary's Baby about 1400 times, I'm a little suspicious of neighbors, and perhaps as not as friendly as I should be. Plus, living in an apartment makes it easy to avoid people. Recently however, I have been dragged out of my isolation thanks to my children. Since it's summer, and it's hot, we've been swimming in the evenings. During the course of our trips, we've made friends with some other parents and children. Friday there was a cook out. We had a blast. Good food, good people. All of us sitting around, enjoying the evening with some good-natured jokes and enjoying the kids. I'm not shy nor am I in any way introverted. But I've always been standoffish with neighbors? Why? Who knows. But I am glad I've...sort of...gotten over it. These people rock!

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